Ricardo Mello

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Una strategia per l'acquisto del vostro primo immobile in affitto a Miami

Mar 24, 2021 5:01:03 PM

Too many first-time real estate investors just make it past the finish line. Successful first-time real estate investors fly past the finish line and keep on soaring, and too many first-time investors rely on a few tips and tactics. They may be good tips, but successful first-time investors adopt a proven strategy and they stay with it. You should modify tips and tactics to achieve your goal to buy rental property in Miami. Our investor clients base their success strategy on four things.

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Best Neighborhoods in Miami to Buy a House or Invest In

Jul 9, 2020 8:39:00 PM

Updated: November 29, 2024

Want to know the best neighborhoods in Miami to either live or invest in? You’ve come to the right place! There are many good reasons that more and more people are looking to buy, rent, sell or invest in property in Miami's real estate market. The diversity of the coastal area offers a wide range of different residential and commercial buildings, but also a wealth of amenities.

Investitori e acquirenti di case da tutto il mondo si precipitano nei quartieri di Miami per la loro atmosfera lussuosa, storica, urbana, chic e serena.

These are some of the best neighborhoods in Miami- whether you’re looking to live or to invest:

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Trasferirsi a Miami: La guida definitiva

Feb 11, 2020 4:56:45 PM

State pensando di trasferirvi a Miami? Non siete soli. Nell'ultimo decennio Miami ha visto una significativa migrazione da Stati ad alta tassazione, dall'America centrale e meridionale e persino dall'Europa. Cosa spinge questa migrazione? Oltre al suo ambiente a bassa tassazione rispetto a quasi tutte le altre grandi città degli Stati Uniti, Miami è cresciuta! Non è più un luogo dove andare in pensione, ma un luogo dove vivere. Vivere in un luogo che ha uno stile di vita 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, che mescola perfettamente gli affari con il sole, la sabbia e il mare.

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Condomini di lusso in vendita a Miami che cambiano lo skyline del 2020

Nov 26, 2018 4:30:50 PM

If you are overwhelmed by the hundreds of new development condo options in the Miami area, then you are not alone. According to a new report from Condo Vultures, nearly 2,800 units are on the market asking at least $1 million. That much inventory at such a price point is a first for Miami. First time buyers, especially foreign investors, need a highly experienced real estate agent in Miami when looking for properties. A real estate professional that has been in the business a while, has seen its ups and downs, and knows firsthand the track record of the South Florida developers. You don’t want to get stuck in the wrong development at the wrong time in the wrong location! It will cost you dearly in the long run.

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